Read DECENT, 2011.

If you store your data on untrusted servers, and you want to share it with some users but not others, it seems like you must use cryptographically-enforced access control. It's easy to think of schemes for this that are hard to manage and scale poorly; DECENT tries to do better.

Could DECENT's access control techniques be applied to more general-purpose decentralized storage, such as IPFS or Blockstack or Solid?

Why does DECENT use ABE instead of the cryptographically-enforced ACLs we've seen before, for example in SiRiUS?

How does ABE work?

Would DECENT (and ABE) work well if hundreds of users needed access to a given piece of data?

How does revocation work? Is it expensive?

How does a user keep track of the keys they need to use to access their friends data?

What if a user has multiple devices, and thus (as with Keybase) multiple private keys?

What must happen if a user's device is stolen?

Would the technique for adding a comment described in Section 3.4 and Figure 1 work at a large scale, for example in a decentralized Reddit? Or for voting, again if many people might vote? If not, does there seem like a reasonable path withing DECENT to achieving such scale?