Install and set up IPFS, run
ipfs get /ipfs/QmWAmUcZKjXAUp5EDxxKJvXB8mwWfdSQ3Dq77fmeidtz9A/ipfs-draft-3.pdf
and read the resulting paper.

What do people use IPFS for?

Would IPFS make a better foundation than Blockstack's Gaia for a Piazza application?

Is IPFS storage durable? If I turn my computer off and take a long vacation, will others be able to read my data while I'm away?

Why immutable data? Does it help simplify the design of IPFS?

Is immutable data compatible with multi-user decentralized applications, e.g. collaborative editing and forums?

How does IPFS find the content of a "large" object (one that's larger than 1024 bytes, and thus isn't stored directly in the DHT)? Where are large objects stored?

How does mutable data work?

Is there shared mutable data, with something like ACLs?

If some of the servers were malicious, what kind of bad behavior could they get away with? Forged data? Stale data? Showing different data to different clients?

What's a DSHT (a sloppy DHT)? How does IPFS use sloppyness?

In practice, how long does an IPFS DHT lookup take? How long does an IPNS name resolution take?

What defenses does IPFS have against an attacker that tries to fill up its DHT with junk mappings?

Filecoin is a follow-on project to IPFS; how do they relate?